The Importance of a Press-Ready Graphic Artist
Color Mode
Press quality artwork is created with 4 colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow &
Black. This color mode is called CMYK (the K represents Black). These 4
colors are mixed together in various percentages which result in the
finished print image.
Images generated by PC monitors and printers only use 3 colors: Red, Green &
Blue. This color mode is called RGB. RGB mode typically does not accurately
convert CMYK mode and vice versa.
So, if artwork is created
incorrectly in RGB and printed in CMYK then there's a good chance that there
will be color variations in the printed version. In Figure 1.1 below, the
supplied images were created using CMYK color mode. In Figure 1.2, the same
images were incorrectly created using RGB color mode, resulting in a green rather than
the teal color necessary for this project.
Get Experienced Help
The color mode example is only one of many variables that can have an impact
on your project when printed, for better or worse.
Even good graphic designers that do not have experience creating press-ready artwork
have difficulties. The best advice we can give you is to have a
professional that is experienced in preparing press-ready artwork for
duplication and replication create your
artwork to ensure quality and proper expectations. We have excellent
graphic artists on staff that can assist you.